Advocate For You

I’m disgusted. The tears keep falling. I hear you God, but I’m tired. I’m frustrated. I’m angry!

After four months of pain, barely being able to walk at times, being told that I was lying, lazy, faking and simply didn’t want to work. For months, I spent days on end in bed, in agonizing pain, unable to move. I cried at night from the agonizing pain and inability to sleep, yet many doubted the severity of my situation. I was black balled, and then fired from the job I enjoyed, simply because I was injured while performing my job duties.

Today, I was informed after months of physical therapy, that my MRI shows that I have a fractured pelvis. THAT’S RIGHT! I’m really hurting. My injury wasn’t fake then, and my pain isn’t fake now. All of the time that was wasted, I could have been healing. I AM ANGRY.

The mental anguish that I’ve suffered at the hands of evil is unacceptable..YET AGAIN…I have given my all, but because I refuse to play politics, my livelihood has once again, been sacrificed. FOUR MONTHS of me being in pain and not recovering from a WORK injury…who can afford to live off of workers compensation??? All of the struggles, pain, panic, anguish, constant inconvenience, and financial hardships at the hands of an organization who said I wasn’t injured…to find out months later that I HAVE A FRACTURED PELVIS is hurtful. I am triggered all over again. WHAT NOW??? HOW MUCH LONGER??

When no one will advocate for you, BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE!

I’m depleted, but I believe that some how, some way….God will make things new. I’M SO THANKFUL TO HIM THAT I DON’T LOOK LIKE WHAT I’VE BEEN THROUGH.


Turning My Pain into My Prayerful Purpose

Mind, Body, Spirit


Defy the Stigma!

Published by dyingtobeperfect1926

I am a recently single mother of four wonderful adult children. I love young people and have a passion for developing and motivating people. After spending over thirty years in the customer service industry, and my world was suddenly turned upside down, I found myself having to start my life over. Realizing that I could no longer maintain a healthy mental state while working with the public, I decided to use my passion for helping people and motivating US to turn our PAIN INTO POWER.

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