Bouncing Back

What a great weekend!!!! I went from spending four consecutive days in bed because of being in complete pain, to bouncing back and having an amazing second half of the week. Once I began to bounce back, I spent time with my Sweet Potato, did work for church, accomplished goals, celebrated friends, reconciled, made connections, evangelized, prayed, self reflected, worshipped, and hopefully, allowed my light to shine. I did all of these things since Thursday. I had to; after all, I had already lost so much time just being stuck. For all of the other days, from Friday through Wed, I was in so much pain, that I was just unable to get myself to do anything.

Luckily, God is always giving me new days and opportunities to to enjoy life. I try to grab life’s enjoyable moments when I can. I try to to evaluate every situation and give people grace. I love because life is short. Whether rain or sun, hot or cold, no matter the season or who is in attendance, I insist on enjoying each moment I am able, and love who loves me. No matter the race, age, gender, religion or socioeconomic class, I love all people.

I have friends who are mother and father figures, some who are like adopted children, some closer than sisters, some sisters in christ, some like brothers, and some who are simply family. This weekend I had the pleasure of hanging out with my favorite sister in Christ and prayer partner. Carmelita Jenkins, we didn’t get a picture, but thank you for a great afternoon out. Today, church was great as always. I attended my first Orioles game of the Season, and celebrated Nicole Ross’ birthday. What fun we had!!! I know Im too old for her shenanigans, but we had fun. I Love you Cola. I pray your birthday was all you prayed for.

Im telling this story and posted this, to say, IT’S NOT HOW YOU START, IT’S HOW YOU FINISH THAT MATTERS! Don’t give up. No matter how badly you feel, no matter how frustrated you become, no matter how many times you have to start over, DON’T GIVE UP. IT’S NEVER TOO LATE FOR THINGS TO TURN AROUND.


Dani 💋❤️

Turning My Pain into My Prayerful Purpose

Mind, Body, Spirit


Defy the Stigma!

Published by dyingtobeperfect1926

I am a recently single mother of four wonderful adult children. I love young people and have a passion for developing and motivating people. After spending over thirty years in the customer service industry, and my world was suddenly turned upside down, I found myself having to start my life over. Realizing that I could no longer maintain a healthy mental state while working with the public, I decided to use my passion for helping people and motivating US to turn our PAIN INTO POWER.

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