Just a Little Love

Just a little love goes a long way. This is a fact that I realized long ago. Just doing small acts of kindness to bring a smile to someone else’s face is all it takes. When I make others feel good, it makes me feel good. If everyone lived by this, I often wonder where we would be.

On yesterday, a friend was hurting. Just two days after her birthday, she was being treated in an unloving way. To hear her hurt, hurt me. She, like me, is usually aiming to bring joy, happiness and peace to others. Although we are all imperfect, I’ve never known my friend to intentionally bring harm to another. All I could think to do was comfort, help, listen…just support her during her hurt. Sometimes, all we need while in our pain, is JUST A LITTLE LOVE.

This morning, I received this message from my friend:

GM Danielle! Thanks again for yesterday, for my gift (I love it), and for your friendship, love and support!πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

I am so proud of you; the brave, beautiful, caring, kind, smart, thoughtful, strong, funny, and wonderful person that you are! You are a GEM and I treasure you!πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

I’m so happy and honored to see the light of God just GLOWING in you and I thank God for you! Keep being AVAILABLE, FABULOUS YOU and watch God take you with Him to places your mind can’t fathom, and fill your heart and mind with joy and peace!!πŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸΏ

Have a great day Danielle, my dear friend! I love you!πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

I have received similar messages via voice-mail and email, fb messenger, etc from others. I am not attempting to boast or brag about what I do for others. I’m simply testifying to the fact that PEOPLE ARE REALLY GOING THROUGH A DIFFICULT TIME, AND IT’S NOT ALWAYS RELATED TO JOB LOSS OR HEALTH, FINANCES. ETC. In addition, not everyone is equipped to simply IGNORE THE EVIL THAT IS THROWN AT THEM, and it takes all of us to simply be kind, listen and show love and respect.

Finally, I wanted to show the appreciation that I feel for her positivity. As a communit, black women are quick to tear each other down when not feeling supported, but fail to show thanks and humility when we are.

We are in day three of Mental Health Awareness Month, and many people don’t realize how their hateful actions negatively affect the livelihood and mental health of others. It’s time to fix our hearts, and mend the hearts of others.

Thank you friend, for showing me that I’m fighting for a worthy cause and doing what God would have me do. As we all move forward, I pray that God continues to show me daily how to love myself, so that I may be more loving and available to others. We must be forever reminded that only what we do for Christ will last.



Turning My Pain into My Prayerful Purpose

Mind, Body, Spirit


Defy the Stigma!

Published by dyingtobeperfect1926

I am a recently single mother of four wonderful adult children. I love young people and have a passion for developing and motivating people. After spending over thirty years in the customer service industry, and my world was suddenly turned upside down, I found myself having to start my life over. Realizing that I could no longer maintain a healthy mental state while working with the public, I decided to use my passion for helping people and motivating US to turn our PAIN INTO POWER.

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