The SON STILL Shines

NO MATTER THE RAIN, I STILL SEE THE SON!!! The Son of God is alive and well! He showed up and showed out today. Yes, even though it rained, the SUN is shining. No matter the storm, God still SHOWED UP AND SHOWED OUT! WONT HE DO IT!

Today was AMAZING! I am truly humbled by the love and support. It was great to see members from my former St. Bernardine family who also came out to support our Women’s Day. I thank my children, my “like children “, friends and family and others, who prayed with and for me, while preparing for this day.

No matter how many times the Devil has attempted to rear his ugly head, God has been in control. I am truly grateful to my sisters in Christ for wiping my tears and allowing me to wipe theirs.

This day was for all women, and from all walks of life. Today, God finally allowed us to take a stand. He allowed us to lift our voices to call for love, peace, and solidarity and we show love, respect and the peace of Christ to all we meet. Today, on this 5th day of Mental Health Awareness Month, we stand against all things that divide us, negatively affect our mental health, and fail to align with the spirit of God.

I challenge all women….to all people….to lift each other up, and show love, one to another. GOD LOVES YOU AND SO DO I!


Mind, Body, Spirit


Defy the Stigma!

Don’t Ever Give Up! Keep Going!

Published by dyingtobeperfect1926

I am a recently single mother of four wonderful adult children. I love young people and have a passion for developing and motivating people. After spending over thirty years in the customer service industry, and my world was suddenly turned upside down, I found myself having to start my life over. Realizing that I could no longer maintain a healthy mental state while working with the public, I decided to use my passion for helping people and motivating US to turn our PAIN INTO POWER.

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